
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

So I'm going to take this blog into a completely different direction. It was going to be my blog about being a Domestic Goddess, but it's a bit hard to try to balance two blogs that could possible end up being the same thing. Now I'm going to take a risk and “reveal” something I've kept very hush, hush about for several months.

I've always loved baking and cooking, but baking has always had a special place in my heart for different reasons...the main reason is because I am a sweet-aholic. I admit it. I love sweets too much and I love creating sweets even more! I suppose it's not too surprising that I would one day decide to do something about my love of baking. Well, ladies and gents, I am taking a step out of my fears and announcing that I am attempting to start my own cupcake business. For the past several months, I've been working on finding recipes that speak to my “sweet heart” (haha i'm so funny!) and I've been having a lot of fun!

In the past, I would be so worried about that end result of what I try that I end up not trying at all or trying and then becoming so fearful of failure that I stop. This time I'm not worried about the end result. I may never own a successful cupcakery, but that's not going to stop me from baking tons of cupcakes and sharing them with people and having a freakin awesome time on this ride.

So I would like to introduce you to Legitimized Baking.

The Brown-Eyed Villainess will now commence her baking!

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