I've been really wanting to do a Coffee & Donuts Cupcake. I had this big vision of Commissioner Gordon chowing down on this cupcake idea! I have a Mocha Cupcake, but I wanted a cupcake that screamed your stereotypical cop snack...and what screams that better than coffee and (you guessed it haha) donuts?!
So I had my hubby brew a strong cup of coffee for me and I started baking. I even bought some coffee liqueur to spice things up! I finished with the batter and tasted it. Umm. Where was the coffee?? I certainly couldn't taste it. So I added some more coffee, liqueur, and even a dash of espresso powder. Pow! Now I tasted it! And yeah, it was good! I couldn't stop "tasting" the batter...you know it's very important to taste batter...I mean...I HAVE to make sure it tastes good and between tastings it might change...or um...something like that. Hahah.
I gently placed my lil cuppies on the oven and waited. Ding! I pulled them out and started my frosting. A Coffee Frosting of course. :-) I must say that the whole coffee, liqueur, & espresso blend made it delicious! Then I started on my mini donuts. I have the cutest little donut machine my hubby got me for Christmas. I love the recipe, French Vanilla Donuts, that came with the maker so I went ahead and just used that one. For the "icing" I just topped each mini donut with a smear of my coffee frosting. I was too lazy to make a separate donut icing. :-P
The cupcakes were finally cooled and I frosted them all and topped them off with a mini donut. I grabbed a cupcake for myself and Nate. We were excited about this new cupcake. Biting into it you had a great burst of coffee frosting...did I mention how yum it was?! But...something was missing in my cupcake. Can you guess?! The coffee. Somehow that strong coffee taste in the batter baked out while in the oven. We just couldn't find the coffee anywhere! Sigh. Needless to say, I was disappointed. I want to try it again...but first I need to figure out how to keep the coffee taste all the way through... If you have any thoughts, feel free to share!!

You have to keep me updated; coffee cupcakes sound delicious!!!
You might try adding a bit of unsweetened cocoa to your batter. Chocolate and coffee help bring out the flavors of one another - so I've heard. And maybe you could try espresso rather than coffee since it's stronger - though that may require a trip to Starbucks or getting an espresso machine.
And yes, coffee anything - I want me some of that! (O:
cool jenn! wow, i was like , totally baffled that it didnt taste.
i love it!!! baby donuts!!
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