Warm fuzzy socks and a random long t-shirt is picked out and the last bit of water is squeezed out of her long black hair. She pours herself a glass of red wine and turns on sad, soulful music. She can sit and rest, but that would allow thoughts to creep in and honestly thinking is just a bit over-rated right now. Our black haired raven, Helena, walks into the kitchen. It's time for something sweet after a night of punching evil multiple times into a bloody pulp. Flour, sugar, strawberries, chocolate. It's a baking swirl as each ingredient is mixed in her mixer. She smiles. The drone of her mixer has a strangely comforting sound to it.
Another sip of wine and she begins to pipe some Strawberry Frosting unto her freshly cooled Dark Chocolate cupcake. She remembers that tucked away in her fridge are some fresh strawberries Black Canary sent over. A smile tugs at her face. Dinah is always thinking of things to send over. "She must think I never stock my fridge or pantry."
Helena dips the strawberries into a Dark Chocolate Ganache and gently places it on her cupcake. Feminine. Captivating. Strong. Sweet. All things she shares in common with her freshly baked delicacy. But she'd kick the living snot out of you if you even breathed a word of it to her comrades. She learned how to survive at young age when her parents were murdered in front of her at the dinner table. She grew up too fast. She saw evil too young. But evil couldn't take her softness she tries to keep hidden from view. When she's at home it's okay, but when that costume is donned there is only room for strength...hard strength.
She protects her people. They need her. But who protects her? Who watches over the Huntress? She'd like to think no one. But it's a lie. Batman may not trust her completely, but he'd protect her in a moment. Black Canary would give her life for Huntress. She'd give her life to protect her best friend, Helena Bertinelli.
Helena, curls up in her soft bed. Cupcakes and wine are gone. Sleep opens it's arms to embrace the tired woman. Tomorrow will bring more evil...more depravity...more sorrow...but tonight...tonight the Huntress is wrapped in sweet, softness. She breathes in the strawberry scented air. She dreams of family...of love...of being a girl playing with her brother while her mother and father watch and laugh.
A tear slides down her sleeping face. Sleep peacefully Huntress.
You deserve so much more.
You deserve so much more.

:: So I think next time I bake these I'm going to make my own strawberry chocolate dip. I thought the ganache would harden up, but it didn't *sad face*. The Strawberry Frosting is also made with fresh strawberries! Yum! And the best part is it barely has any seeds so you can't even tell their there! This was a fun post...and a very, very fun cupcake to bake. ::
heheh ok, bad title. but that would be so cool! i loved the story! and at first when i read the cupcake ingredients, i was like, oh, yes. very good.
Wow, this was creepy and cool and exciting and mysterious and intriguing....is that what you were going for? (o:
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